Clark, Mindy Starns. The Amish nanny / Mindy Starns Clark and Leslie Gould. p. cm. — (The women of Lancaster County ; bk. 2) ISBN (pbk.) ISBN (ebook) 1. Amish—Fiction. 2. Nannies—Fiction. 3. Lancaster County (Pa.)—Fiction. I. Gould, Leslie. II. Title. PSLA85 ’.6—dc22 The Amish Nanny is about Ada, the sister Lexie in Amish Midwife never knew she had. Ada was sheltered with so many secrets her family kept that Ada was pretty much kept at home and backward. Her poor health played a part in this as well, as her Amish family didn't trust "Englisch" medicine, so she never got the treatment she could have (until her new-found sister Lexie was able to help)/5(). · Bestselling author Mindy Starns Clark and coauthor Leslie Gould offer readers The Amish Nanny, Book 2 in the Women of Lancaster County series, which tells the stories of young Plain women as they explore their roots, connect with family, and discover true love.5/5(1).
The Buck Stops Here (The Million Dollar Mysteries, 5) Mindy Starns Clark. $ - $ The House That Cleans Itself: Creative Solutions for a Clean and Orderly House in Less Time Than You Can Imagine. Mindy Starns Clark. $ - $ A Quarter for a Kiss (Clark, Mindy Starns. Million Dollar Mysteries, 4.) Mindy Starns Clark. Bestselling author Mindy Starns Clark and coauthor Leslie Gould offer readers The Amish Nanny, Book 2 in the Women of Lancaster County series, which tells the stories of young Plain women as they explore their roots, connect with family, and discover true love.. Amish-raised Ada Rupp knows it's time to make a commitment to the faith and join the church, especially if she wants a future with. Considering that Mindy has written everything from Gothic thrillers to Amish Romance, it isn't surprising that this book is so entertaining. The book is a blend of every aspect that makes novels so entertaining. There is action, romance, and history. Mindy Starns Clark also emphasizes the food and the music and the rich culture of New Orleans.
Bestselling author Mindy Starns Clark and coauthor Leslie Gould offer readers The Amish Nanny, Book 2 in the Women of Lancaster County series, which tells the stories of young Plain women as they explore their roots, connect with family, and discover true love. The Amish Nanny is about Ada, the sister Lexie in Amish Midwife never knew she had. Ada was sheltered with so many secrets her family kept that Ada was pretty much kept at home and backward. Her poor health played a part in this as well, as her Amish family didn't trust "Englisch" medicine, so she never got the treatment she could have (until her new-found sister Lexie was able to help). inside their computer. the amish nanny women of lancaster county 2 mindy starns clark is straightforward in our digital library an online admission to it is set as public for that reason you can download it instantly. Our digital library saves in fused countries, allowing you to get the most less latency epoch to download any of our books with.