Taji is a nobody, hardly alluring, and yet it's not long before his runaway mouth gets him entangled in imperial politics, and he has no one rely on but the soldiers assigned to . Taji From Beyond the Rings R. Cooper Copyright © R. Cooper ISBN: Cover Art by Lyn Forester Editing by Charlie Knight This is a work of fiction. Names. Taji from Beyond the Rings is a satisfying, challenging hybrid novel. It's a complex, thoroughly realized work of science fiction that is also a book-length work of erotica. The author gives us engaging, even endearing, characters, a page-turning plot, and a fantasy world that holds a mirror up to our own reality/5().
While I finish up the little cutesy m/m/m fantasy thing I did and get it ready to publish, I've got a few stuff up for sale on Smashwords. If you haven't read Izzy and the Right Answer (coupon code: GE43D), Taji From Beyond the Rings (coupon code: LV76Y), Jericho Candelario's Gay Debut (coupon code: ME65K), and The Devotion of Delflenor (coupon code: ZD77M), they are now all on sale and will. Title: Taji From Beyond the Rings Author(s): R Cooper ISBN: / (USA edition) Publisher: Independently published Availability: Amazon Amazon UK Amazon CA Amazon AU. Få Taji From Beyond the Rings af R. Cooper som bog på engelsk - - Bøger rummer alle sider af livet. Læs Lyt Lev blandt millioner af bøger på www.doorway.ru
Taji is a nobody, hardly alluring, and yet it's not long before his runaway mouth gets him entangled in imperial politics, and he has no one rely on but the soldiers assigned to protect him—one soldier, more than the others. www.doorway.ru: Taji From Beyond the Rings () by Cooper, R. and a great selection of similar New, Used and Collectible Books available now at great prices. Title: Taji From Beyond the Rings. Author: R. Cooper. Publisher: Self-Published. Length: Pages. Category: SciFi Romance. At a Glance: While I felt the pace of the story slowed at times with the effort to describe and delineate all the various traits and characteristics of both the world and its people, as well as when describing some of the nuances of speech, in the end I appreciated it for the imagination and the romantic ties that brought Taji and Trenne together.