· Point of Dreams returns to that world, and to Rathe, caught up in another dangerous www.doorway.ru winter in Astreiant, a masque is held. Based on ancient traditions and aligned with the stars, it's integral to the health of the queen and the realm--and more important now than ever, for the queen is soon to announce her chosen successor.5/5(5). © Melissa Scott Lisa A. Barnett (P) Melissa Scott Lisa A. Barnett. Literature Fiction Fantasy Paranormal What was one of the most memorable moments of Point of Dreams: A Novel of Astreiant? I don't want to spoil the story for anyone, but there was a confrontation between the main characters and the villain towards the end. Editions for Point of Dreams: (Paperback published in ), (Kindle Edition published in ), (Hardcover published in ), (eb.
Scott returns to the intrigue-laden city of Astreiant in this novella, which bridges the gap between 's Point of Hopes and 's Point of Dreams. Adjunct Point Nicolas Rathe, peacekeeper. By Melissa Scott. Autumn downpours soak the city of Astreiant and cast a gloomy pall over its streets, while storms at sea have delayed merchant ships bearing important cargoes from distant lands. As extortion against traders by the dockers of Point of Sighs and corruption among the district pointsmen come to light, the mystery deepens, but. Point of Dreams by Melissa Scott, Lisa A. Barnett and a great selection of related books, art and collectibles available now at www.doorway.ru
www.doorway.ru: Point of Hopes: A Novel of Astreiant: Melissa Scott, Lisa A. Barnett: Books. Point of Dreams is a thoroughly rewarding reading experience."—SF SiteThe citizens of Astreiant have become obssessed by a new play, The Drowned Island, a lurid farrago of melodrama and innuendo. Pointsman Nicolas Rathe is not amused, however, at a real dead body found on the stage and must investigate. Point of Dreams (Astreiant, #3) by Melissa Scott. Goodreads helps you keep track of books you want to read. Start by marking “Point of Dreams (Astreiant, #3)” as Want to Read: Want to Read. saving. Want to Read. Currently Reading.