From Bruised Fell by Finlay-Young, Jane, Publication date Publisher Toronto: Penguin Collection inlibrary; printdisabled; internetarchivebooks; toronto Digitizing sponsor Internet Archive Contributor Internet Archive Language English. Notes. No table-of-contents pages found. Access-restricted-item true AddeddateUser Interaction Count: Home» Abuse Bruised But Not Broken Cheryl Prewitt Salem» Bruised» Bruised Books By Kevin Hearne Worldbuilders Market» Bruised Books Templegate Publishers On Line Store» Bruised By Sarah Skilton» Bruised By Sean Michael Reviews Discussion Bookclubs» Download Bruised» Ebook Bruised» Free Ebook Bruised» Free PDF Bruised» From Bruised Fell By Jane Finlay Young . Jane Finlay-Young is the author of From Bruised Fell ( avg rating, 65 ratings, 6 reviews) and Watermelon Syrup ( avg rating, 43 ratings, 6 review /5.
From Bruised Fell. by Jane Finlay-Young. Through the s, tales of childhood abuse were thick on the ground, the villain generally a brutal father. In this charged debut novel, it is the mother - volatile, cigarillo-smoking, and imperious, who inflicts profound damage on her daughters, the final blow being her disappearance. From Bruised Fell by Finlay-Young, Jane, Publication date Publisher Toronto: Penguin Collection inlibrary; printdisabled; internetarchivebooks; toronto Digitizing sponsor Internet Archive Contributor Internet Archive Language English. Notes. No table-of-contents pages found. Access-restricted-item true Addeddate. Jane Finlay-Young is the author of From Bruised Fell ( avg rating, 65 ratings, 6 reviews) and Watermelon Syrup ( avg rating, 43 ratings, 6 review.
With lyricism and emotional truth, From Bruised Fell explores our capacity to live with and beyond a troubled past, and the dire necessity of telling its story. REVIEWS OF FROM BRUISED FELL Canadian writer Jane Finlay-Young's first novel, From Bruised Fell, like much of the best of modern literature, reads as if it were written in a poetic trance If Finlay-Young can find characters and stories as compelling as those she describes with such grace in this book, she will become a writer to. From Bruised Fell by Jane Finlay-Young Through the s, tales of childhood abuse were thick on the ground, the villain generally a brutal father. In this charged debut novel, it is the mother – volatile, cigarillo-smoking, and imperious, who inflicts profound damage on. From Bruised Fell by Finlay-Young, Jane and a great selection of related books, art and collectibles available now at