Centuries Ago and Very Fast is a collection of linked stories by Rebecca Ore, author of Gaia's Toys, Time's Child, Slow Funeral, and other well-received novels. The stories in this collection relate tales from the life of Vel, a gay immortal born in the Paleolithic who jumps time at will. Centuries Ago And Very Fast|Rebecca Ore, Moss Lamps: Lighting the '50s (Schiffer Book for Collectors with Price Guide)|Leslie Pina, Someone's Baby (Harlequin American Romance No. )|Sandra Kitt, My First Diet Book: The Savvy Slimmer - Slim Rules!: How to Diet! A Dieters Guide to Success on the First Attempt.|Ashley/10(). Centuries Ago and Very Fast is a collection of linked stories by Rebecca Ore, author of Gaia's Toys, Time's Child, Slow Funeral, and other well-received www.doorway.ru stories in this collection relate tales from the life of Vel, a gay immortal born in the Paleolithic who jumps time at will.
Centuries Ago and Very Fast. Aqueduct Press: Seattle: Advance Uncorrected Proof, Trade paperback, Fine, pp. Cover artwork by: Lynnr Jensen Lampe " a collection of linked stories by Rebecca Ore, author of Gaia's Toys, Time's Child, Slow Funeral, and other well-received novels. The stories in this collection relate tales from the life of Vel, a gay immortal born in the. Sorry, there was a problem saving your cookie preferences. Try again. Centuries Ago And Very Fast|Rebecca Ore, Lessons in Physical Diagnosis|Alfred Lebbeus Loomis, A Spy to Die For (Assassins Guild)|Kris DeLake, Paul Between Synagogue and State: Christians, Jews, and Civic Authorities in 1 Thessalonians, Romans, and Philippians (Coniectanea Biblica. New Testament Series, 34)|Mikael Tellbe.
Centuries Ago and Very Fast is a collection of linked stories by Rebecca Ore, author of Gaia's Toys, Time's Child, Slow Funeral, and other well-received www.doorway.ru stories in this collection relate tales from the life of Vel, a gay immortal born in the Paleolithic who jumps time at will. Centuries Ago and Very Fast, by Rebecca Ore, brings the plight of the immortal in love with a short-lived human into the light of day by removing the common vampiric explanation and instead making the longevity of her main character, time-traveling, once-caveman Vel, as much a mystery to him as everyone else. Vel’s romance with queer British policeman Thomas is believably hot, complicated, solid and imperfect. Centuries Ago and Very Fast is a collection of linked stories by Rebecca Ore, author of Gaia's Toys, Time's Child, Slow Funeral, and other well-received novels. The stories in this collection relate tales from the life of Vel, a gay immortal born in the Paleolithic who jumps time at will. We encounter him hunting mammoths, playing with reindeer tripping on hallucinogenic mushrooms, negotiating each successive wave of invaders to keep his family and its land intact, living as the minor god of.