· Editions for All About Men: Something Wild / Touch Me / Meltdown: (Trade Paperback published in ), (Kindle Edition), (Kindle Edition publi. mckenna link deleted by legal owner 1 98 mb all about men something wild meltdown touch me mckenna shannon, find nearly any book by shannon mckenna get the best deal by comparing prices from over booksellers search used books rare books and new books find all books by. A complete list of all Shannon McKenna's books series in order (32 books) (5 series). Browse plot descriptions, book covers, genres, pseudonyms, ratings and awards.
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As I mentioned before, “Something Wild” can be found in All Through The Night. “ Touch Me ” can be found in I Brake For Bad Boys. “ Meltdown ” is to be found in Bad Boys Next Exit. This book contains three short stories by Shannon McKenna: 1. Something Wild 2. Meltdown 3. Touch Me I normally wouldn't be $4 for three novellas but I like Shannon McKenna and thought the stories would be pretty HOT!. all about men something wild touch me meltdown pdf book by shannon mckenna epub free download isbn shannon mckenna writes blazing hot heroes and her readers know it men who are, hot night ebook written by shannon mckenna read this book using google play books.